Child Disputes

Family breakdown matters can be very daunting and emotional, in particular if a child is involved and the parties have to part ways. Following a breakdown of a relationship or marriage, child care matters may arise between the parties. One party may want to live with the child and other party may want to spend more time or prohibit other party from having contact with the child.

In any event if the parties cannot reach a consensus in respect of the child, an application to court for the following Orders could be made inter alia:

  • Prohibited Steps Order:- These are Orders prohibiting the other party from performing a specific act without first seeking consent such as changing a child’s name, school or taking a child abroad;
  • A child arrangements Order:- These are Orders to state arrangements as to how much time a child is to spend with one party or with whom a child should live.
  • Specific issue Order:- These are Orders preventing other party from performing specific act such as preventing one party from changing a child’s school.

Contact our Family Experts

At Paradise Law Solicitors we are passionate about justice and have experts in child law matters. We will be able to assist in procuring any of the above mentioned Orders should we be instructed.

Kindly contact our Family Law experts on 0121 285 2535 or 07940077805 or email for bespoke advice.